Fair Compensation

The Fair Fee must be paid when recorded music is used in publicly accessible places. It is a 'mandatory license': music recordings can be used without prior permission in publicly accessible places. This is also the case for the use of music recordings for radio broadcasting. In return, the user must pay a fair fee.

The Copyright Act of 30 June 1994 incorporated the rights of producers and also laid down basic principles of fair remuneration. For the various sectors (Hospitality, sales, hairdressers, radios, etc.), the collection modalities and rates are laid down in the Royal Decree of 17 December 2017 on the fair remuneration of performers and producers for the public performance of phonograms or when phonograms are broadcast via the broadcaster.

SIMIM is the sole management company for neighbouring rights of the music producers recognised by the Ministry, and is therefore the only one in charge of collecting and managing the rights of the music producers.

The Fair Compensation is SIMIM's main source of income. SIMIM relies, except for a few exceptions, on Unisono, which focuses exclusively on this activity.

Detailed information such as modalities, rates and declaration forms can be found on unisono's website.
